Image of the Scottish Widow

Your pension information site film

Thanks for saving with Scottish Widows and trusting us to help you make the most of your financial future.

Your pension information site has lots of information to help you understand more about your pension. 

Film running time under 2 mins.

How does a Workplace Pension work?

Your workplace pension is a long-term savings plan. Even if retirement feels like a long way off, the earlier you save, the more time your money has to grow.

If you pay money in, your employer may too. You'll also benefit from tax relief from the Government and potential investment growth. Tax benefits will depend on individual circumstances, but keep in mind that tax rules can change.

Film running time under 3 mins.

Add your future webinar series to calendar

Retirewell webinar series

Join our pension experts for a programme of live webinars and get the chance to ask them anything about your workplace pension.

View calendar (PDF, 200KB) Opens PDF in a new tab

Important things to do

Keep track of your pension:

Keep track of your pension:

Use the Scottish Widows app or secure portal to manage your pension. It's important that you:

  • keep your personal details up to date and provide us with your personal e-mail address so that we can keep in touch even if you change jobs
  • nominate your beneficiaries so we know who you want your pension savings to go to if you die
  • check that your selected retirement age is in line with when you plan to start accessing your pension savings


Scottish Widows app image

Log in to your secure portal

Log in to your secure portal

We’ve sent you details as part of your welcome pack. 

Need help to log in? (PDF, 50KB).

Remember to keep your username and password safe and secure.

Log in to your account

Download our app

Download our app

All you need is your:

  • National Insurance number
  • plan number or postcode

More about our app

Download our app Download our app

Combining your pensions

Combining your pensions

It's worth considering if combining your pensions is right for you, as it could make your pension savings easier to manage.

Our app allows you to save time by bringing together your pensions from different providers, into one easy to manage plan.

Alternatively, you can use our pension transfers page.

Tracing your pensions

Tracing your pensions

People can build up multiple pension pots over their working life and often lose track of where all their pension savings are held. The Government’s pension tracing service can help you track down previous pensions from different pension providers. 

Trace previous pensions Opens Scottish Widows site in a new tab

Beware of scams

Watch our film to find out how to spot a pension scam. 

Film running time 1.5 mins.

Planning for your future

Prepare for your future

Prepare for your future

We’ve got tools and guidance to help you:

  • see what pension savings you currently have and what you're expected to get when you retire
  • explore paying more into your pension
  • review your retirement options when you're ready to access your pension savings 
  • access support on how to keep on top of your pension savings
Pension planning Opens Scottish Widows site in a new tab

What you might need

What you might need

The Retirement Living Standards are designed to help you picture your retirement and what it might cost. 

Created by the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association, you can use these standards to help you get an idea of what you might need in retirement, and to help you set a retirement savings goal.

Find your Retirement Living Standard Opens third party site in a new tab

Understand your retirement options

Understand your retirement options

When you are ready to start accessing your pension savings, there are various options available to you that you can find in our Helping You Prepare for your Retirement guide (PDF, 400KB)

Keep in mind you won't usually be able to access your pension savings until age 55, and this is increasing to age 57 in 2028. 

In our library, you'll find various other guides to help you understand your options and the key things to consider as you approach retirement. 

Visit the library Read our pension guides

Understand the State Pension

Understand the State Pension

You may also be entitled to the State Pension. This is separate from your workplace pension. It’s a regular payment from the Government most people can claim when they reach State Pension age in their late 60s.

  • The full State Pension from 6th April 2024 is £221.20 per week (£11,502.40 per annum).
  • Not everyone gets the same amount. Most people will need to have 35 qualifying years of National Insurance credits or contributions to get the full amount. 

You can check your State Pension forecast on the Government's site.

Your State Pension forecast Opens third party site in a new tab

State Pension film

Watch our film on the State Pension to find out more.

Film running time under 5 mins.

Supporting vulnerable customers

This film explains the additional support services available to you through our partnerships. You can also learn more about these in our support guide (PDF, 1MB). 

Film running time 2 mins.

Look after your financial wellbeing

Look after your financial wellbeing

Our Be Money Well site has various resources to help you learn new financial skills. Beyond just pensions, you'll also find: 

  • bitesize learning on financial essentials
  • blogs and videos
  • resources to enhance your digital skills
Visit Be Money Well Opens third party site in a new tab

Government's Midlife MOT Resources

Government's Midlife MOT Resources

Visit the Government’s Midlife MOT site to help you think about work, health and money with future planning in mind. You can:

  • choose your Midlife MOT goal for instant resources
  • browse all work, health and money resources for general information
Midlife MOT Opens third party site in a new tab

Tools & calculators

Library & resources

  • Below you will find information about your investment options and charges. You can make changes to where your pension savings are invested through the Scottish Widows app or by logging into your secure portal. 

    University of Exeter Retirement Savings Scheme information

    Investments library and resources

    This short guide lists the pension fund choices available to you and the total annual fund charge for each fund.

    Explore information on the alternative investment options available to you, past performance, their charges and their fund factsheets. 


    The following provides more information about how your pension savings are invested:

    Investment choices and charges

    In this detailed guide you'll find information on how investing works, what a default investment option and lifestyling strategy is, as well as the different types of assets you can invest in and their risks.

    In this short guide, we explain how we invest our PIAs responsibly by taking environmental, social and governance factors into consideration.

    This short guide provides information on the different fund choices that are available to you, including the various lifestyling strategies available.

    Our Pension Investment Approaches (PIAs) are our fully governed range of investment strategies. In this detailed guide you’ll find details of the different options available to you. 

    This guide provides information on the self-select fund choices available to you.

    This guide provides information on the passive lifestyles available to you.

    If you want to keep up to date with the latest investment trends, or just learn about the basics, we’re here to help. We’ve got useful information and thoughts from our experts on the Exploring investments webpage.

    We may have provided links to documents and other information supplied by third parties (which may include your employer or their advisers). They are solely responsible for their content and accuracy. All statements, views and opinions contained in these documents and other information are those of the third parties, not Scottish Widows.

  • The following guides can be used to help you think about your options:

    Retirement options library and resources

    This detailed guide explains the options available to you when you want to start taking your benefits and the key things to consider before you do.

    This detailed guide from MoneyHelper also explains your retirement options, as well as the free retirement service that may be available to you through Pension Wise.

    This short leaflet provides an overview of some of the key things to consider as you get closer to taking your pension benefits.

    This short guide, from the independent Hub Financial Solutions, explains the Annuity Service they provide. This service can help you select an annuity if you decide this is the right option for you and your needs.


    The following guides explain your flexible income drawdown options:

    Flexible income drawdown options library and resources

    This detailed guide explains how flexible income works, how we invest your savings and the risks associated.

    This detailed guide gives you an understanding of the funds you can invest in if you wish to take a flexible income.

    This detailed guide provides key information to help you understand our Investment Pathways and choose the right one for you if you decide to take flexible income.

    We may have provided links to documents and other information supplied by third parties (which may include your employer or their advisers). They are solely responsible for their content and accuracy. All statements, views and opinions contained in these documents and other information are those of the third parties, not Scottish Widows.

  • Key Features and Terms & Conditions library and resources

    This detailed guide contains important information about your plan and how it works. 

    This short illustration shows our standard charges and how they could affect what you might get back. Your actual charges may be different from those shown, please see your personalised illustration for details.

    Terms and conditions (PDF, 400KB)

    This contains details of the terms and conditions of your plan.

    We may have provided links to documents and other information supplied by third parties (which may include your employer or their advisers). They are solely responsible for their content and accuracy. All statements, views and opinions contained in these documents and other information are those of the third parties, not Scottish Widows.

  • Useful information library and resources

    Pension tax (PDF, 3MB)

    In this detailed guide, you'll find information on how current tax legislation affects how you save for retirement. There's information on the tax implications on your pension savings, including how tax relief works.

    Pension transfer guide (PDF, 300KB)

    This guide describes the potential benefits of transferring existing benefits to your Retirement Saver and highlights some of the things to consider.

    Transfer in form (PDF, 1MB)

    If you decide to transfer and don’t want to complete our online transfer journey, please complete this application form.

    We may have provided links to documents and other information supplied by third parties (which may include your employer or their advisers). They are solely responsible for their content and accuracy. All statements, views and opinions contained in these documents and other information are those of the third parties, not Scottish Widows.

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