Know it, grow it

It's Pension Engagement Season and we're here to help you plan ahead for the future with two simple pension steps, KNOW IT and GROW IT.

Know it

Knowing how much you’ve already got in your pension, and how much you’ll need for retirement is a great place to start.

How much have I got in my pension? 

The Scottish Widows app

Check your pension in our app

If you’re a Scottish Widows customer with a workplace pension, you can check how much you have in your pension in our app. We also have lots more exciting features:

  • See how much you currently have in your pension
  • View how much you could have for your retirement with our projections
  • Combine your pensions
  • Check the impact your pension is having on the world
  • Manage all your pension admin

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mobile phone with how much will I need next to it

How much do I need at Retirement?

The PLSA (Pension Livings Standards Association), say for a comfortable retirement people need £43,000 per year. 

See how much you could need
Pension Mirror on mobile phone

Try our pension mirror

The Pension Mirror will guess how old you are and show how your pension compares to others your age.

See how you compare
Beat the Gap tool on mobile phone app

Beat the gap

The gender pension gap jumps from £100 to £100,000 over a woman’s working life.  We can help you beat the gap with top tips to a better future. 

See how you can beat the gap

Know your pension

Get to know your pension. From the pension basics to the more in depth. We’re here to help.

Get to know your pension

Know your state pension

Do you know how much you’ll get and when?

75% of people in retirement rely on the State Pension to help pay for essentials.

How much will you get?

Know your investments

Did you know your pension is invested? That means it can go up and down in value over time, and you have lots of options to choose from.

More about investing

Did you know?

Did you know?

An average 18 year old could have an extra £90k in their pension by increasing their savings from 8% to 12%. This includes contributions from their employer and tax relief too.

Grow it

Now you KNOW IT, it’s time to GROW IT.  There are lots of ways you could help your pension grow from saving a bit more every month, tracking down any lost pensions you might have and combining existing pensions.   

6 Tips to make the most of your pension

If you only save the minimum into your pension it could mean less money to enjoy in retirement. Watch our top tips to help you take a small step towards a bigger pension.

Calculate your future next to mobile app

Can you save more?

Putting a bit more away each month could have a big impact on your retirement savings.  See the difference it could make for you.

Use our Pay More calculator
Meet your future self on mobile app

Meet your future self

How are you shaping up for retirement? Answer a few short questions and see when you could retire, and what you’ll look like when you get there.

Meet your future self

Combine your pensions

If you have multiple pensions, combining them into one could save you time and money. 

Combine your pensions

Did you know?

Did you know?

There are over 2.8 million lost pension pots in the UK worth on average £9,500 each.

Find your lost pension

Explore our App

As a Scottish Widows workplace customer, managing your pension has never been easier than with our app.

1. See it

See your pension savings like never before. Take a look at what you have now so you know what to do next.

2. Know it

Paint your total pension picture because knowing your pension inside out could really help grow your pension.

3. Grow it

Boost future you today. Learn how you could boost your retirement savings to match your ideal retirement lifestyle.

Did you know?

Did you know?

It pays to save early! People who save into their workplace pension from age 22 at our recommended savings rate of 12%, could have £65,000 more in their pension than someone who starts saving at 28.

Watch our film

What's next

Now you know the steps to take towards a bigger pension. Here are some other helpful resources.

Pay your pension some attention

Face the future with confidence with our industry wide campaign to pay your pension some attention. 

Let's go
Mobile phone with widow silhouette

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Know It and Grow It on TikTok with our new channel. Take a small step towards a bigger pension and search Scottish Widows for access to our hub.

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