Opting into the Scottish Widows Master Trust

Opting in

This form is for UK employees to opt in to Capita's "Your Future Income Plan" (part of the Scottish Widows Master Trust). If you have any questions about your opt in request, or you are already a member of another pension scheme, please contact your employer via Peoplehub@capita.com. Please ensure that you quote your payroll number in your email.

If you want to opt in, please complete the form below. Once submitted your request will be passed to your employer to check eligibility.


Contribution rates

If you choose to opt in, you’ll make your pension contributions through salary exchange (unless you request otherwise). This means you give up (exchange) part of your salary, which your employer adds to their pension contributions. By doing this you don't pay tax on your pension contributions. Please note that Capita's default position is to deduct contributions via salary exchange; however, if this deduction takes you below statutory minimums, Capita will adjust your contribution accordingly to prevent this.

As part of your request to opt in, you need to decide which contribution rates you want to pay. You are able to change the contribution rates once you have joined the Scheme. Please choose one of the two options below.

Tier 1 - alternate tier

Tier 1 - alternate tier

Under this tier, you have the option to choose your contribution rate. The contributions of your Basic Salary will be:

  • employee: 5%+ (You can choose your own contribution)
  • employer: 5%


Tier 2 - Default Tier

Tier 2 - Default Tier

If you want, you can choose the default contributions option. Under this Tier, the contributions of your Qualifying Earnings will be:

  • employee: 5%+ (You can choose your own contribution)
  • employer: 3%

For the tax year 2024/2025, Qualifying Earnings are any earnings between £6,240 per annum (£520 a calendar month) and £50,270 per annum (£4,189 a calendar month).

If you still want to opt in, please complete the form below. Please note this form shouldn't be used to change contribution rates if you are an existing member of the Scheme.


Your opt in details


You’re about to opt into the Scottish Widows Master Trust

To opt in, please share with us the below information so you can start saving for your future.

You’ll need to give us your:

  • Name
  • National Insurance number
  • Employer payroll number
  • Contact details
  • Contribution preference



Your privacy is important to us. To understand how the personal information you give us will be used, please read our Scheme data privacy notice (PDF, 236KB) or you can ask us for a copy.




Step 1 (of 5): Confirm your details

Please do not include the 'P' at the beginning of your payroll number.





Step 2 (of 5): Confirm your contact details

Confirm your contact details


Mobile or landline (do not use spaces). Your contact number will be used specifically to process your opt in request.
Your email address will be used specifically to process your opt in request.





Step 3 (of 5): Your contributions

Please note that Tier 1 contributions are based on your Basic Salary, whilst Tier 2 contributions are based on Qualifying Earnings.

You have chosen Tier 1.

Under this Tier, you can elect to change your Basic Salary contribution.

The defaut Tier 1 contribution is:

  • employee: 5%
  • employer 5%

You can increase your employee contribution by changing your contribution percentage below.


Select your employee contribution percentage. Must be 5% (default) or more.

Employer (5%)

5% (This is fixed)

You have chosen Tier 2.

Under this Tier, you can elect to change your Qualifying Earning contribution.

The defaut Tier 2 contribution is:

  • employee: 5%
  • employer 3%

You can increase your employee contribution by changing your contribution percentage below.


Select your employee contribution percentage. Must be 5% (default) or more.

Employer (3%)

3% (This is fixed)




Step 4 (of 5): Check your information

Check your details are correct before you continue.

Your name:                                         ##title## ##forname## ##surname##   

Your NI number:                            ##ni-number##

Your payroll number:                ##employer-payroll-no##

Your contact details:

Email address:                                         ##email##
Contact number:                                      ##telno##



Your contribution details:

Tier chosen:                                        ##tier##
Employee contribution:                     ##employee##%






Step 5 (of 5): Confirmation of your opt in request

Your request will be passed to your employer to check eligibility.

Once you are confirmed as eligible your employer will set you up with an account, in the Scheme. Your membership will commence from the next available opportunity but will normally be the 1st of the following month after a completed and valid request has been received by your employer.

Once your account is setup Scottish Widows will then send you a letter welcoming you to the Scheme and outlining how you can manage your account online. 

If you are not eligible, your employer will be in touch.



Your privacy is important to us. To understand how the personal information you give us will be used, please read our Scheme data privacy notice (PDF, 236KB) or you can ask us for a copy.