Workplace pensions news and insights

The latest news, expertise and thought leadership from Scottish Widows’ workplace pensions experts for advisers and employers.

Graeme Bold's blog

Graeme Bold

Pensions are changing – and that’s a good thing

One thing is certain: 2025 is a busy year on the pensions front, with an explosion in the level of pensions engagement, and wide-ranging pension consultations and reforms pointing the way to a new future. 

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Listen to our latest podcasts

Our Scottish Widows podcasts are now available through various platforms such as Spotify or Podbean. Click the links below to go directly to each one.

Empowering Financial Futures: International Women’s Day

Join us for a special International Women’s Day podcast hosted by Jill Henderson, Head of Workplace Strategic Relationships, Jackie Leiper, Managing Director at Scottish Widows, and her daughter Rebecca. In this insightful episode, we hear about their personal journey of closing the pension gap and explore the importance of meaningful financial planning conversations.


An Employer's story

In our latest podcast, we switch it up to hear from the employer perspective. Paul Bird joins Robert Cochran, sharing his insights from 40 years delivering benefits in the workplace pensions market.




Latest reports

Latest reports

Our industry leading reports look at the latest retirement insights. They can help you understand more about how the nation is shaping up for retirement and you can read about our key recommendations.

Read our reports



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For use by UK employers and advisers only.