Responsible investment

We aim to offer employers and their employees responsible investment choices and challenge companies we invest in to behave more sustainably and responsibly. This page provides a comprehensive range of useful information from reports and expert sessions to Q&As to help you stay informed on responsible investment.

Taking on a sustainable future together

The Scottish Widow stood in front of wind turbines

Responsible investment is at the heart of how we manage workplace pensions. Watch our short film to see how we’re continuing to put our responsible investment beliefs into action.

Your employees can find lots more information on how pension investments can build a better future by asking 3 key questions and can also hear from our experts about responsible investing.

Information to share with your employees

Our policies

The framework

We’ve set out our Responsible Investment Framework, supported by Stewardship and Exclusions polices. They guide our decisions on how we invest, how we select fund managers, and how we challenge the managers of companies we invest in on behalf of your employees to improve the way they operate.

​Read our Responsible Investment Framework (PDF, 3MB)


Challenging the companies we invest in to make positive changes in their business practices is at the heart of how we manage investments to create sustainable benefits in the long term for your employees, the economy, the environment and society. By doing this, we aim to protect and maximise customers’ investments in the long term.

Read our Stewardship Policy (PDF, 1MB)


We won’t invest in companies that fail to meet our strict standards and we’re selling our investments in the worst offenders in areas like coal production, controversial weapons manufacturing or tobacco manufacturing or distribution.

Read our Exclusions Policy (PDF, 715KB)

Climate change, nature and deforestation

Our approach to climate change

How we aim to safeguard customers’ investments from the risks associated with climate change while taking advantage of related opportunities, as well as helping to power the UK’s transition to a green economy.

​Read our approach to climate change (PDF, 3MB)

Climate action plan

Our roadmap to halving the carbon footprint of all our investments by 2030 on our path to net zero emissions by 2050.

Read our climate action plan (PDF, 5MB)

Climate action plan 2022 progress update (PDF, 1MB)

The just way: The case for a just climate transition

Our report, The Just Way - The case for a Just Climate Transition, examines how job creation, productivity enhancements, and reducing inequality are all possible in the transition to a low carbon economy. But without considering the challenges and risk to communities, workers and people, these opportunities may never be realised. We advocate for a ‘just transition’ that is as fair and inclusive as possible as the world decarbonises. ​

Read our report (PDF, 3MB)

Nature and biodiversity: the pensions imperative

In our report we explore why understanding the value of nature and taking steps to preserve and restore it, is key to a sustainable and prosperous future.

Read our nature and biodiversity report (PDF, 3MB)

Nature impacts and dependencies in our funds

Spotlight on Water

We’ve looked at our exposure to potential nature-related risks in our funds in two ways. First, looking at the impacts companies we invest in have on the causes of nature loss. Second, companies’ dependencies on natural resources in the production of goods and services.

Read our nature-related impacts and dependencies (PDF, 4MB)

Our approach to deforestation

We consider why deforestation matters to investors and how we are using existing frameworks and metrics to develop our approach to deforestation.

Read our approach to deforestation report (PDF, 2MB)

Three people in a meeting room

Our approach to social factors

Ranging from living standards and discrimination, to health and safety and modern slavery, social factors present both risks and opportunities for companies we invest in. Understanding and managing these factors can help protect returns in the long term.

Read our approach to social factors (PDF, 3MB)

Other information

Integrating ESG considerations into our default pension solution

We’re embracing responsible investment practices in our aim to deliver good investment outcomes for your employees. This allows us to manage environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and returns in a more effective way in the funds we offer.

Find out more in our guide (PDF, 976KB).

Pension Investment Approaches responsible investment progress report (PDF, 7MB)

Responsible Investment support for your employees

Are your employees looking for more information about responsible investment? Share our short expert sessions films explaining how investing responsibly could impact their pension.


Graphic of hand holding small plant

Moving forward on Responsible Investment

Our latest Responsible Investment and Stewardship Report outlines the progress we made in 2023 to deliver on our plans to benefit our customers’ investments and broader society.

Read the full report (PDF, 10MB)

Read the 2022 report (PDF, 8MB)

Read the 2021 report (PDF, 5MB)

Graphic of document with box ticked

Our 2022 TCFD Report

Our 2022 TCFD Report (Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures) has now been published. It’s been prepared in line with the recommendations of the TCFD, an independent group from across the G20 who developed these recommendations to improve and increase reporting of climate-related financial information.

Read the Report (PDF, 5MB)

Graphic of lightbulb

Great minds don't think alike: Cognitive diversity in the boardroom

Our report outlines why we believe cognitive diversity on company boards is important to the long-term success of the businesses we invest in on behalf of customers, helping them make better decisions and drive growth.

Read the report highlights (PDF, 564KB)

Read the full report (PDF, 1MB)

Stewardship code logo

We’re one of the first signatories to the Stewardship Code 2020 and continue to keep our signatory status. The Code sets a high standard for those investing money on behalf of UK savers. Signatories must demonstrate how they’ve acted on their policies and made an impact.