Governed by Independent Trustees - A partnership of expertise and experience

Your new pension arrangement with Scottish Widows Master Trust

Your new pension arrangement with Scottish Widows Master Trust

Capita has selected the Scottish Widows Master Trust as your new pension arrangement. In advance of joining Scottish Widows this site will provide you with the key information on the Scottish Widows Master Trust. 

Scott Hill Chief People Officer

Watch Scott Hill, Chief People Officer, explain more about the move to Scottish Widows Master Trust and what the changes mean for you and your pension.

Running time - 2 minutes

Watch welcome film

Find out how we can help if you need additional support

  • Watch our short video on member support to learn about the resources and support available and how to access them. You’ll discover how we are committed to helping you navigate challenges to ensure you have the support you need, while you’re saving for retirement with us. 
  • Read our helping you while you save guide (PDF, 1MB) to find more support and resources to meet your needs.

keep track of your pension online



The Scottish Widows app allows you to keep track of your pension value, contributions and investments. You can also nominate beneficiaries, consolidate other pensions, and switch investments.

All you need to register is your National Insurance number and your pension number. If you don’t have your pension number, you can use your postcode. Scottish Widows may make other products and services available to app users. These are not linked to your Scottish Widows Master Trust pension or arranged by the Trustees.

Consider combining your pensions and trace old pensions

People can build up multiple pension pots over their working life and often lose track of where all their pension savings are held. The Government’s pension tracing service can help you track down previous pensions. It might help give your pension savings a boost.  

It’s worth considering if combining your pensions is right for you, as it could make your retirement savings easier to manage. You can combine your pension savings through the Scottish Widows App.

When you start the transfer process, we'll ask you to provide some personal details. You can read about how the trustees manage this information in Data privacy notice (PDF, 3MB). 

Get started

Your account is ready for you

You can log in to your account to keep track of and manage your pension. This will let you see how much you’ve got saved, manage your investments and keep your personal details up to date. ​

We've sent you log in details as part of your welcome pack. Need help to log in? (PDF, 52KB)

You can also nominate a beneficiary through your account and on the Scottish Widows App. This will tell us who you’d like your pension savings to go to should you die. It’s important to keep these details up to date, as we know your plans can change. Read our A Guide to Pension Tax (PDF, 3MB) to find out more about the tax implications on your pension savings when you die. 

Log in to your account

Your Scottish Widows Master Trust Presentations

Your dedicated presentations

Your dedicated presentations

Throughout July, August and September, the Scottish Widows Master Trust hosted a series of presentations to introduce you to your new workplace pension provider and give you the opportunity to ask our experts your questions.  You can watch a recording of the Your Future Income Plan presentation.

Watch playback Video plays in same tab

Your questions answered

Your questions answered

We’ve been gathering your questions throughout the presentations and have created a detailed Frequently Asked Question document in response. 

FAQs (PDF, 400KB) FAQs - opens in new tab


Becoming a member of the Scottish Widows Master Trust

Becoming a member of the Scottish Widows Master Trust

Understand more about the Scottish Widows Master Trust and our trustees.

Scottish Widows Master Trust

Your investment choices and charges

Your investment choices and charges

You will automatically be invested in the Scottish Widows Master Trust default investment option which is our Pension Investment Approach - Adventurous (Targeting Flexible Access).

The Total Annual Fund Charge (TAFC) will be 0.17%. Information on wider funds available and charges can be found under Investment Options.

Your investment options


The experts at the pensions and Lifetime Savings Association have published a set of retirement living standards. This can help you picture your retirement and what it might cost. They pitch them at three levels (minimum, moderate and comfortable) based on a basket of goods and services, from food and drink to holidays.

Find your retirement living standard

Helping you prepare for retirement

Whether you’re close to retirement or it’s still a long way off, you need to plan for the kind of lifestyle you want when you retire. There are various ways you can select how to use your pension benefits to help you achieve this.


Pension planning

Planning tools

Taking your pension

As you approach retirement, there’s a lot to think about. In our library, you’ll find a series of guides which will help you decide how you’d like to take your pension.


Read our pension guides

Take control of your finances and be money well

Take control of your finances and be money well

The rising cost of living is putting finances under pressure. Our Be Money Well site has lessons and tools to help you learn how to take control of your finances.

Be Money Well Opens in the Scottish Widows site in a new tab

Government's Mid-Life MOT Resources

Government's Mid-Life MOT Resources

Visit the government’s Midlife MOT website for trusted services, tools and charity resources to help you think about work, health and money with future planning in mind.

Mid-life MOT Opens in a third party site in a new tab


  • Opens in a third party site in a new tab


    Watch our short video to find out more about your workplace pension.

  • Opens in a third party site in a new tab


    Our Retirement Expert Nina gives you an overview of what your retirement options are and when you can begin accessing your savings. 

    Opens in a third party site in a new tab


    Visit the Government’s website to see what your state pension forecast is.

    Our Retirement Expert Alison explains what the state pension is and how to claim this.

  • How can I spot a pension scam?

    How can I spot a pension scam?

    Scams can take many forms, especially for those recently retired or approaching retirement. There's no need for alarm - if you learn the basics of how to identify them, it'll get easier to avoid them.

    There are things you can look out for to help you spot a scam, and ways you can protect yourself.

Contact us

What you need to hand

When you speak to us, we’ll ask you for your policy number. This helps us to make sure you’re speaking to the right team. If you don’t have your policy number, we can still help you.

We will then ask you some security questions, so we can check who you are.

We want you to get the best service, so we may record your call for training purposes.

0800 015 9973 (Monday to Friday, 8am - 6pm)


Scottish Widows Workplace Savings
PO Box 24173
69 Morrison Street