SWMT - Ex-Employees of Schlumberger UK documents
Here you'll find key documents about what your workplace pension offers and what charges apply.
Member guide (PDF, 6MB)
A guide to pension tax (PDF, 3MB)
Your investment choices and charges (PDF, 800KB)
Q&A on flexible income (PDF, 600KB)
Example flexible income (drawdown) illustrations (PDF, 200KB)
Illustrative examples (PDF, 200KB)
Transaction costs (PDF, 100KB)
For the latest Scottish Widows Master Trust governance documents, please visit our Members page. This includes the Chair’s Statement, Statement of Investment Principles, Implementation Statement, Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures Report and representative illustrative examples for the costs and charges and investment performance of your employer’s section of the Master Trust which is N11402.
Investment information
Learn more about investments and find information on your investment options.
Pension Investment Approaches (PDF, 900KB)
Core fund guide (PDF, 400KB)
Introduction to investing (PDF, 1MB)
Investing responsibly with your pension (PDF, 2MB)
Investment options guide (PDF, 600KB)
Taking your pension
As you approach retirement, there’s a lot to think about. Here, you’ll find a series of guides which will help you decide how you’d like to take your pension, when the time comes.
Helping you prepare for retirement (PDF, 1MB)
Things to think about at retirement (PDF, 1MB)
MoneyHelper guide – Your pension: your choices (PDF, 2MB)
Hub Financial Solutions Flyer (PDF, 100KB)
Your guide to flexible income (PDF, 300KB)
Flexible income fund range (PDF, 200KB)
Investment pathways: Your guide to investment options for flexible income (PDF, 400KB)
Other information
Here, you’ll find a range of other important documents.
Data privacy notice (PDF, 3MB)
Transfer in form (PDF, 500KB)
Internal resolution process (PDF, 200KB)
Your member update from your Trustees (PDF, 500KB)