For members

Scottish Widows Mastertrust logo

We publish a range of documents and governance reports here for members and their employers. Advisers often find these documents a useful tool in measuring scheme performance. Our latest governance documents can be found below.

Scheme reports

Member update from your trustees

To help you understand more about your pension and how your Trustees are helping to look after your retirement savings, watch our short film, hear from one of your Trustees Cheryl Black and read our member update (PDF, 477KB). You can also access support and resources to meet your needs in our helping you while you save guide (PDF, 1MB).

Member survey report

Member survey report

Download (PDF, 1MB) opens in a new tab

Chair's Statement

Chair's Statement

Download (PDF, 4MB) opens in a new tab

Statement of Investment Principles

Statement of Investment Principles

Download (PDF, 600KB) opens in a new tab

Implementation Statement

Implementation Statement

Download (PDF, 600KB) opens in a new tab

SWMT Responsible Investment and Stewardship (RI&S) policy

SWMT Responsible Investment and Stewardship (RI&S) policy

SWMT task force on climate-related financial disclosures

SWMT task force on climate-related financial disclosures

Costs, charges, investment performance and asset allocation

The Trustees need to report charges and transaction costs for each default investment option and each alternative fund option which members are able to select. They also need to report how investments have performed after costs and charges have been deducted (the ‘net’ investment performance).

The Trustees are also required to disclose the percentage of assets allocated in the default investment option to specified asset classes.

To see how this applies to your section of the scheme, please see below. If you do not know which section applies to you please follow the link in the ‘Helping You’ section of your annual benefit statement to access your infosite, and navigate to the Investment Choices section. Alternatively you can call the helpdesk on 0800 085 4993.