Engagement & service

"Insight led member engagement is a fundamental part of our approach to helping members achieve a good retirement outcome, and underpins everything we do. The Scottish Widows Master Trust offers an innovative solution with dedicated service, as part of an ambitious member engagement and digital strategy, which the Trustees have agreed with Scottish Widows, and you will see this develop over the coming years."
Cheryl Black, Trustee
Ongoing support through the Scottish Widows master trust journey
We work collaboratively with participating employers to produce targeted and segmented engagement plans, which resonate with employees and support them through each stage of their pension journey – from joining the Master Trust to retirement and beyond. Our multi channel tailored communications have subtle nudges woven throughout, encouraging members to take small steps in their journey to retirement.
We also offer a targeted approach with dedicated webinars, events, and nudge communications. We can tailor these for specific segments of members including early savers and members approaching retirement.
Insight led engagement

New sections and members
We offer a highly engaging multi-media onboarding journey for new sections. This includes personalised member welcome videos, making sure we provide good engagement with members right from the off.

Breaking down barriers to pension engagement
Members of the Master Trust are able to view their pension alongside their Lloyds Bank, Halifax or Bank of Scotland digital banking. Viewing all their finances in one place can help make pensions more visible and accessible to members leading to better financial decisions.

Meet your future self
Our Meet Your Future Self experience lets members see how they're shaping up for retirement and what effect changing how much they are contributing will have on their retirement.

Scottish Widows pension mirror
Ever wondered how old you look? Pension Mirror will tell you using AI to guess your age and see how your pension savings compare to the average pension pot size for people of the same age.

Employer events and thought leadership
An annual series of Trustee-led virtual events connects participating employers with the Trustees. We also offer access to thought leadership content and webinars throughout the year.

Member webinars
Virtual experiential events help members of the Sottish Widows Master Trust understand their pension. This includes engaging interactive content, where members can request a call back from one of our pension experts, attend a live webinar, hear from the Trustees and take part in a live Q&A.
Member update from the trustees
To help members understand more about their pension and how the Trustees are helping to look after their retirement savings, they can:
- watch our short film and hear from one of the Trustees, Cheryl Black on understanding your pension; and
- read the member update from the Trustees.

Excellent service
Implementation support
We provide a dedicated Implementation Manager to set up your workplace pension and manage the process end to end to allow for a smooth transition.
Relationship support
A dedicated named point of contact with extensive experience of looking after schemes of all sizes across many sectors will support your workplace pension. They'll be on hand to provide training and support, collaborate with you to develop a bespoke Engagement & Service plan and ensure the smooth running of the workplace pension.
Administrative excellence
We've a fully trained and equipped dedicated service team, to handle member calls empathetically, effectively and efficiently.
At retirement
We help members through a step by step retirement planning journey, providing in-depth guidance on their retirement options including in scheme drawdown.