Helping women plan their financial future


On average, the gender pension gap jumps from £100 to £100,000 over a woman’s working life. Find out what’s driving such a huge difference in women and men’s pensions, and what you can do between the ages of 22 and 65 to close the gender pension gap.

Beat the gap

Our Beat the Gap tool can show you where and when your own pension gap is most likely to occur. By answering a few simple questions like your age, gender and whether you have children or plan to, the tool will provide you with personalised data, tailored tips and the top three ways you can help beat it.

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What's driving the gender pension gap

To help you support your employees and play your part in tackling the savings gap, we've got lots of useful information on our Future Planning Hub. Visit now to share practical support with your employees, including answers about what drives this gap and our top tips for managing the savings challenges faced by women.

Future planning hub

Let's make retirement better for women

For almost 20 years, we’ve been reporting on women’s financial resilience in our industry-leading Women and Retirement Report. Jill Henderson, Head of Workplace Business Development, shares her thoughts on this year's Women in Retirement Report.

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2023 Women and Retirement Report

Our latest Women and Retirement Report highlights the unique challenges women could face as they plan for retirement, and what actions your employees can take to help them plan for a better financial future.


of women are not on track for even a minimum retirement lifestyle, based on their current saving behaviour (32% for men).**


of women are concerned about the rising cost of living.**




of mothers have moved to part-time work to look after their children (compared to 15% for men).**

Source: Scottish Widows’ 2023 Women and Retirement Report


How you can support your employees

As an employer, you can play a key role in encouraging your employees to think about retirement planning early on in their careers.

Our factsheet covers five ways your employees can plan for the present and future, the three key drivers of the gender pension gap, as well as our Beat the Gap tool, and the next steps they can take. 

Download now (PDF, 331KB) Opens in a new tab



Visit our Your Future hub for further guidance, resources and support to help your female employees plan a better financial future.

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