Encouraging employees to make more of their pension by understanding tax relief and allowances.

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The Scottish Widow


Tax Year End Special (February 2025)
Make the most of pension contribution allowances and learn more about:

  • Saving tax and national insurance
  • Bonus or salary exchange
  • Carry forward
  • The deadlines for payments in the current Tax Year
Watch the playback


Pension Essentials (April 2024)

Understand the essentials about workplace pensions and learn about:

  • What is a workplace pension
  • Improving retirement savings
  • Investments
  • Retirement options
  • Combining existing pensions
  • Accessing your pension online
Watch the playback

ReadyMade Campaigns

Tax Year End

Email - Make the most of your pension (Bonus)

Email - Make the most of your pension (Bonus)

Download now (MSG, 235KB)

Email - Make the most of your pension (No Bonus)

Email - Make the most of your pension (No Bonus)

Download now (MSG, 970KB)

POSTER - Making the most of your pension

POSTER - Making the most of your pension

Download now (PDF, 244KB)

Tax efficiencies

Email - How is my pension affected by tax?

Email - How is my pension affected by tax?

Download now (MSG, 264KB)



Download now (PDF, 226KB)

Limits and allowances

Email - How much can I pay into my pension without paying a tax charge?

Email - How much can I pay into my pension without paying a tax charge?

Download now (MSG, 5MB)

Email - Is there a limit to how much I can pay in?

Email - Is there a limit to how much I can pay in?

Download now (MSG, 7MB)

Factsheet – What is the tax relief limit I can receive as a higher earner?

Factsheet – What is the tax relief limit I can receive as a higher earner?

Download now (PDF, 276KB)

Factsheet – How much can I pay in my pension and still receive tax relief?

Factsheet – How much can I pay in my pension and still receive tax relief?

Download now (PDF, 258KB)

Factsheet - Lifetime pension limits

Factsheet - Lifetime pension limits

Download now (PDF, 228KB)

Ongoing support

Ongoing support

Download our guide for more information on how to make the most of your resource portal, and how to best use these ReadyMade Campaigns with your employees.

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