Where are you on your retirement journey? Let us help you.


Retirement calculator
Our retirement calculator can help you find out what your income and lifestyle could be in retirement.
Having the value of any pensions, savings and investments you have will help you get the most out of the calculator.
Introduction to investing (PDF, 1MB) This booklet explains the different types of investment choices available to you and how they work. Your investment choices and charges (PDF, 600KB) This leaflet lists the investment fund choices that are available to you and the total annual fund charge for each fund. Mercer Master Trust TDF investment guide (PDF, 2MB) This provides a guide to your TDF Mercer Master Trust investment choices. Statement of investment principles (PDF, 10MB) This is the Mercer Master Trust Trustees' Statement of Investment Principles. SW Mercer Cautious Retirement (PDF, 200KB) Changes in the fund aim for the SW Mercer Cautious retirement fund. Transaction costs (PDF, 100KB)
A breakdown of transaction costs and charges for the funds available within the scheme.
Illustrative examples (PDF, 300KB)
A breakdown of transaction costs and charges for the funds available within the scheme.
Implementation statement (PDF, 700KB)
This sets out how, and to what extent the Trustees' Statement of Investment Principles was followed during the previous Scheme year.
Costs and Charges Information This contains information relating to the costs and charges applicable to the scheme in the form of the Chair’s Statement, illustrative examples and transaction costs data. Please note that this information will be published once available. We may have provided links to documents and other information supplied by third parties (including your employer or scheme trustees, and their advisers), who are solely responsible for their content and accuracy. All statements, views and opinions contained in these documents and other information are those of the third parties, not Scottish Widows.
Helping You Prepare for Your Retirement (PDF, 1MB) This guide gives details of the options available to you when you want to start taking your retirement savings.
MoneyHelper guide - Your pension: your choices (PDF, 1.2MB) This guide, from the independent MoneyHelper service, is also designed to give details on the options available to you when you start to think about taking your retirement savings. Things to Think at Retirement (PDF, 92KB) This leaflet provides information on the things to consider prior to taking your pension. Your guide to flexible income (PDF, 2MB) This guide explains the ways in which you can access your pension using the flexible income option. Flexible income fund range (PDF, 90KB) This guide is designed to give you an understanding of the funds you can invest in if you wish to take a flexible income. We may have provided links to documents and other information supplied by third parties (including your employer or scheme trustees, and their advisers), who are solely responsible for their content and accuracy. All statements, views and opinions contained in these documents and other information are those of the third parties, not Scottish Widows.
Internal dispute resolution process (PDF, 100KB) Information that sets out the formal procedure if you have a complaint. Internal dispute resolution procedure first stage application form (PDF, 100KB) First stage application form for those wishing to make a complaint. Fair processing notice (PDF, 500KB) This notice provides information on how the Trustees use your data.
The Chair’s annual governance statement (PDF, 3MB) This statement describes how the Trustees seek to ensure that the Mercer Master Trust is well-managed and delivers excellent services to members. Transfer guide (PDF, 5MB) This describes potential benefits of transferring retirement savings from elsewhere into your Mercer Master Trust account. Trustees' annual update (PDF, 400KB) This contains highlights from the Chair's Statement and other news and information about the Mercer Master Trust in the previous Scheme year. We may have provided links to documents and other information supplied by third parties (including your employer or scheme trustees, and their advisers), who are solely responsible for their content and accuracy. All statements, views and opinions contained in these documents and other information are those of the third parties, not Scottish Widows.
Member guide (PDF, 700KB) | This guide should answer most of the questions you might have about your plan. |
Pension tax (PDF, 3MB) | This guide gives information on how your plan is affected by current tax legislation. |
Joining form (PDF, 100KB) | If you wish to join the IMI pension scheme please complete this form and return it to your local HR contact. |
TDF FAQs (PDF, 200KB) | This document provides answers to some questions about new Target Dated Funds available to your scheme. |
We may have provided links to documents and other information supplied by third parties (including your employer or scheme trustees, and their advisers), who are solely responsible for their content and accuracy. All statements, views and opinions contained in these documents and other information are those of the third parties, not Scottish Widows.