Let us guide you on the steps you can take today to help your pension savings grow.

One app on your phone.
One giant leap for your future.

When it comes to taking control of your future, the more clearly you can see it, the more confidently you can plan for it. That's why the Scottish Widows app has been designed to help you reveal the bigger picture of your retirement savings, from seeing the value of all your pension pots in one place to projecting your future income at retirement.

Watch the film below to learn more or get the Scottish Widows app now.

Welcome to the Scottish Widows app video

Install the app and register

  1. Use the camera on your phone to scan the QR code and install the app.
  2. Make sure you’ve got your postcode and National Insurance number or Policy Number handy so you can register.

Install the app and register

  • If you’re on your phone, select 'Download our app' to go straight to your app store.
  • Make sure you’ve got your National Insurance number and postcode handy so you can register.
  • If you already log into your pension on our website, you can use the same login details for our app.
Download our app

Take control of your pension today

Follow these small steps to make the most of the Scottish Widows app's new mighty features.

1. See it

See your pension savings like never before. Take a look at what you have now so you know what to do next.

2. Know it

Paint your total pension picture because knowing your pension inside out could really help grow your pension.

3. Grow it

Boost future you today. Learn how you could boost your retirement savings to match your ideal retirement lifestyle.

Any questions?

Our virtual assistant is ready to help.
Start chatting to ask about anything and everything pensions.

The start of a chat with our virtual assistant



Watch our pension webinars

Pension Engagement Season Webinar - Pension Essentials

Scottish Widows pension experts hosted live webinars throughout Pension Engagement Season explaining your Pension Essentials. Watch the recording below to find out more about how pension savings work and watch our Q&A session packed with tips for every life stage.

Pension Engagement Season Webinar - Pensions Mastered

During Pension Engagement Season, the Scottish Widows pension experts hosted a live webinar to help our members master their pension. Watch the recording below for an in-depth look at managing pension savings and investments, followed by a live Q&A. 

Six steps to know and grow your pension

6 tips to make the most of your pension

If you only save the minimum into your pension it could mean less money to enjoy in retirement. Increasing your payments by only a small amount could make a big difference.

Complete your pension essentials knowledge by asking yourself these three questions

What have I got?

What have I got?

Use the Scottish Widows app to view all your pension pots in one place, even the state pension, so you can see your full potential income in retirement.

See what you've got

Is it enough?

Is it enough?

Watch our video how much should I save for my retirement? and try our  Meet Your Future Self Tool to find out what your future could look like and get help planning for retirement.

Meet your future self

What do I do next?

What do I do next?

Watch our video can I combine my pensions? and visit our Pension Transfer Hub to see if combining your pension pots could be right for you and make them easier to manage.

Consider combining

Feel like the master of your pension with these three actions

See your future

See your future

Use our Paying More Calculator to see what difference you could make to your pension pot by increasing pension contributions now.

Try the calculator now

Plan for lifestyle

Plan for lifestyle

Use our Retirement Lifestyle Questionnaire to check if your savings are on track for the retirement you want and start making a plan for taking your benefits.

See what you could get

Review your investments

Review your investments

Watch our video on Environmental Impact Investing and then visit our Investments Hub to get the latest information on pension investments. Manage your investments in the Scottish Widows app.

Manage your pension investments

Have you looked into your future yet?

Pension mirror

If you haven't already tried out our Pension Mirror, it's an exciting new tool that uses AI to guess your age and then shows you the average pension savings for other people your age. It's a great way to engage with your savings and make sure they're on track for your future.

Check yourself out